Coat of arms of vietnam

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Coat of arms of vietnam
Coat of arms of vietnam

Video: Coat of arms of vietnam

Video: Coat of arms of vietnam
photo: Coat of arms of Vietnam
photo: Coat of arms of Vietnam

This small South Asian state had to go through a lot during its long history. It was especially difficult in the twentieth century, when more than once the peaceful, in general, the Vietnamese had to fight with arms in their hands for their land and their country. And if you look closely at the coat of arms of Vietnam, you can see the undoubted influence of China and its traditional culture.

Primary colors

The first thing that immediately catches your eye is the choice from a rich palette of colors and shades, only two close to the Chinese tradition. Only scarlet and gold are present on the main Vietnamese state symbol.

Moreover, the scarlet color acts as a background, and all the main elements and details are traced in gold. From an aesthetic point of view, such a choice is impeccable, it testifies not only to the enormous influence of China, but also to the artistic taste of the Vietnamese, and, above all, those representatives of the official authorities who approved it.

In addition, from the position of world heraldry, it is clear that some of the most popular colors have been chosen, moreover, filled with deep philosophical meaning. Both scarlet and gold indicate wealth, power, confidence in the future.

Symbols of the Vietnamese coat of arms

Among the main elements of the official symbol of the Country of Morning Freshness, the following can be noted: a five-pointed star; gear; a wreath of rice stalks and a ribbon surrounding it; the inscription with the name of the country, of course, in Vietnamese.

As mentioned above, all the elements are located on a red background and are made in gold, so the star at the top of the coat of arms is not the usual red, gold color. The gear and rice indicate, respectively, the two most important branches of the Vietnamese economy - industry and rice growing, so to speak, the union of the village and the city.

Historical coats of arms

There were not so many of them, all official symbols were already established in the twentieth century. The current Vietnam coat of arms became national in 1976 after reunification with South Vietnam. Before this historical event, the coat of arms belonged to the state, which included only the northern territories. True, in 1954-1955. there was a completely different symbol of the Republic of Vietnam. On the golden (yellow) field of the shield there were three vertical scarlet stripes, and against their background a mythological dragon. The emblems of South Vietnam were not so complicated, but bamboo was chosen as their main element.
